Oakton Teacher Lops Off 11 Inches To Benefit Kids With Hair Loss: ‘No-Brainer’ – GudMag

But the Oakton High School teacher has no problem rocking a shorter look if it means easing some pain for a child.

And that’s exactly what she’s doing these days.

Last month, Hosken cut 11 inches of her hair to benefit children experiencing medically-related hair-loss. It’s all part of an event happening March 16 called The Great Cut, in which an organization called The Longhairs will try to beat their own record for the most hair cut in a day, set in 2019.

Proceeds benefit an organization called Children With Hairloss, and Hosken’s 11 inches will be mailed in — and will count toward The Great Cut total.

Hosken, a mom from Springfield, was inspired to participate because of a local middle schooler named Bella Clopton, 13.

“Bella is an incredibly strong young lady who lost all of her hair three weeks before starting middle school due to alopecia,” Hosken explained. 

“What a hard and challenging time that is by itself — let alone staring it without hair.”

Children With Hair Loss provided a wig to Bella, and so when Bella’s mom, Jennifer Davis, began looking for donors to participate in The Great Cut, Hosken jumped at the opportunity.

“I like my long hair, but this was a no-brainer,” said Hosken, who has donated her hair twice before. 

“The identity we get from out hair is an interesting thing to consider,” Hosken said. “I can’t imagine if I lost my hair and had no control over it how emotionally challenging that would be.

“To know I could make a difference for someone dealing with some sort of health issue, and then the emotional loss of their exterior appearance that they’re used to — if I can help someone out by something as simple as cutting my hair, I’m thrilled to be able to know what a difference I’m making for them.”

“It’s rewarding.”

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